Timothy P Herbert's Net Worth
Timothy P Herbert's net worth is estimated to be at least $41,763,899.15 as of 03/12/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Timothy P Herbert's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Timothy P Herbert is CEO at Inspire Medical Systems Inc. They have executed at least 24 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 40,000 units of INSP stock on 04/01/2024. Their biggest sale was on 11/05/2020 when they sold 80,000 units of Inspire Medical Systems Inc stock for $13,099,200.00. They typically trade 4 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $5,600.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $41,758,299.15
Most recent insider trade:
- April 1, 2024
Timothy P Herbert's Insider Trading History
Inspire Medical Systems Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
April 1, 2024 | CEO | 40,000 | $205.09 | Sell | $8,203,600.00 |
Feb. 13, 2023 | CEO | 2,619 | $275.05 | Sell | $720,355.95 |
Feb. 8, 2023 | CEO | 3,500 | $275.00 | Sell | $962,500.00 |
March 28, 2022 | CEO | 1,546 | $250.00 | Sell | $386,500.00 |
March 25, 2022 | CEO | 695 | $250.00 | Sell | $173,750.00 |
March 17, 2022 | CEO | 20,000 | $225.40 | Sell | $4,508,000.00 |
Nov. 5, 2020 | CEO | 80,000 | $163.74 | Sell | $13,099,200.00 |
Jan. 13, 2020 | CEO | 9,832 | $80.10 | Sell | $787,543.20 |
Oct. 22, 2019 | CEO | 25,000 | $58.61 | Sell | $1,465,250.00 |
Sept. 24, 2019 | CEO | 5,000 | $66.14 | Sell | $330,700.00 |
Sept. 6, 2019 | CEO | 10,000 | $70.00 | Sell | $700,000.00 |
Sept. 3, 2019 | CEO | 10,000 | $67.19 | Sell | $671,900.00 |
Aug. 27, 2019 | CEO | 15,000 | $65.96 | Sell | $989,400.00 |
Aug. 1, 2019 | CEO | 10,000 | $68.02 | Sell | $680,200.00 |
July 23, 2019 | CEO | 15,000 | $66.95 | Sell | $1,004,250.00 |
July 3, 2019 | CEO | 10,000 | $65.00 | Sell | $650,000.00 |
June 25, 2019 | CEO | 25,000 | $58.71 | Sell | $1,467,750.00 |
May 28, 2019 | CEO | 25,000 | $52.55 | Sell | $1,313,750.00 |
April 16, 2019 | CEO | 15,000 | $54.97 | Sell | $824,550.00 |
March 19, 2019 | CEO | 15,000 | $56.47 | Sell | $847,050.00 |
Jan. 15, 2019 | CEO | 15,000 | $48.70 | Sell | $730,500.00 |
Dec. 18, 2018 | CEO | 15,000 | $42.88 | Sell | $643,200.00 |
Nov. 20, 2018 | CEO | 15,000 | $39.89 | Sell | $598,350.00 |
May 7, 2018 | CEO | 350 | $16.00 | Buy | $5,600.00 |