Richard A Meeusen's Net Worth
Richard A Meeusen's net worth is estimated to be at least $9,376,564.15 as of 03/07/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Richard A Meeusen's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Richard A Meeusen is Director at Badger Meter Inc. They have executed at least 16 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 20,400 units of BMI stock on 03/03/2020. Their biggest sale was on 03/03/2020 when they sold 20,400 units of Badger Meter Inc stock for $1,286,832.00. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $9,376,564.15
Most recent insider trade:
- March 3, 2020
Richard A Meeusen's Insider Trading History
Badger Meter Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 3, 2020 | Director | 20,400 | $63.08 | Sell | $1,286,832.00 |
June 13, 2019 | Director | 8,571 | $56.85 | Sell | $487,261.35 |
Feb. 14, 2019 | Director | 10,000 | $59.02 | Sell | $590,200.00 |
Nov. 1, 2018 | Chairman | 22,430 | $50.01 | Sell | $1,121,724.30 |
March 7, 2018 | Chairman | 13,130 | $48.78 | Sell | $640,481.40 |
Feb. 20, 2018 | CEO | 6,089 | $49.83 | Sell | $303,414.87 |
Aug. 4, 2017 | Chairman | 16,500 | $44.61 | Sell | $736,065.00 |
June 14, 2017 | Chairman | 4,301 | $40.29 | Sell | $173,287.29 |
June 12, 2017 | Chairman | 10,699 | $40.96 | Sell | $438,231.04 |
April 28, 2017 | Chairman | 12,500 | $39.94 | Sell | $499,250.00 |
April 27, 2017 | Chairman | 12,500 | $40.66 | Sell | $508,250.00 |
March 14, 2017 | Chairman | 10,684 | $34.67 | Sell | $370,414.28 |
March 9, 2017 | Chairman | 12,950 | $34.61 | Sell | $448,199.50 |
March 6, 2017 | Chairman | 16,912 | $36.01 | Sell | $609,001.12 |
May 5, 2015 | CEO | 8,800 | $62.54 | Sell | $550,352.00 |
March 2, 2015 | CEO | 10,400 | $59.00 | Sell | $613,600.00 |