Philip G Franklin's Net Worth
Philip G Franklin's net worth is estimated to be at least $10,711,630.36 as of 03/14/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Philip G Franklin's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Philip G Franklin is Insider at XAI Octagon Floating Rate & Alternative Income Term Trust. They have executed at least 21 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 10,000 units of XFLT stock on 03/24/2020. Their biggest sale was on 03/02/2016 when they sold 15,500 units of Littelfuse Inc stock for $1,817,375.00. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $190,625.36
Total value of insider sells:
- $10,521,005.00
Most recent insider trade:
- March 24, 2020
Philip G Franklin's Insider Trading History
XAI Octagon Floating Rate & Alternative Income Term Trust | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 24, 2020 | Insider | 10,000 | $4.34 | Buy | $43,400.00 |
Oct. 29, 2018 | Insider | 3,206 | $9.21 | Buy | $29,527.26 |
TTM Technologies Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Nov. 20, 2018 | Director | 4,905 | $11.78 | Buy | $57,780.90 |
Nov. 15, 2018 | Director | 5,095 | $11.76 | Buy | $59,917.20 |
Littelfuse Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 2, 2016 | CFO | 15,500 | $117.25 | Sell | $1,817,375.00 |
Feb. 18, 2016 | CFO | 2,000 | $113.97 | Sell | $227,940.00 |
April 15, 2015 | CFO | 3,400 | $97.26 | Sell | $330,684.00 |
March 16, 2015 | CFO | 3,400 | $97.89 | Sell | $332,826.00 |
Feb. 27, 2015 | CFO | 14,200 | $100.41 | Sell | $1,425,822.00 |
Jan. 15, 2015 | CFO | 3,400 | $96.67 | Sell | $328,678.00 |
Dec. 15, 2014 | CFO | 3,400 | $94.10 | Sell | $319,940.00 |
Nov. 17, 2014 | CFO | 3,400 | $96.12 | Sell | $326,808.00 |
Sept. 15, 2014 | CFO | 3,400 | $93.71 | Sell | $318,614.00 |
Aug. 15, 2014 | CFO | 3,400 | $90.06 | Sell | $306,204.00 |
July 15, 2014 | CFO | 3,400 | $92.41 | Sell | $314,194.00 |
June 16, 2014 | CFO | 7,000 | $87.95 | Sell | $615,650.00 |
Oct. 15, 2013 | CFO | 7,000 | $78.01 | Sell | $546,070.00 |
Sept. 16, 2013 | CFO | 7,000 | $78.18 | Sell | $547,260.00 |
Aug. 15, 2013 | CFO | 7,000 | $78.62 | Sell | $550,340.00 |
July 15, 2013 | CFO | 7,000 | $82.76 | Sell | $579,320.00 |
May 21, 2013 | CFO | 22,000 | $74.24 | Sell | $1,633,280.00 |