Peter S Ho's Net Worth
Peter S Ho's net worth is estimated to be at least $8,003,356.79 as of 03/01/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Peter S Ho's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Peter S Ho is CEO at Bank of Hawaii Corporation. They have executed at least 16 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 7,000 units of BOH stock on 02/10/2023. Their biggest sale was on 05/04/2017 when they sold 15,000 units of Bank of Hawaii Corporation stock for $1,232,550.00. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $8,003,356.79
Most recent insider trade:
- Feb. 10, 2023
Peter S Ho's Insider Trading History
Bank of Hawaii Corporation | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Feb. 10, 2023 | CEO | 7,000 | $76.40 | Sell | $534,800.00 |
Nov. 10, 2022 | CEO | 5,500 | $79.30 | Sell | $436,150.00 |
Aug. 10, 2022 | CEO | 5,500 | $81.67 | Sell | $449,185.00 |
May 10, 2022 | CEO | 5,500 | $74.51 | Sell | $409,805.00 |
Feb. 10, 2022 | CEO | 5,500 | $87.86 | Sell | $483,230.00 |
Oct. 11, 2021 | CEO | 5,834 | $83.38 | Sell | $486,438.92 |
Oct. 4, 2021 | CEO | 5,833 | $83.23 | Sell | $485,480.59 |
Sept. 20, 2021 | CEO | 5,833 | $76.00 | Sell | $443,308.00 |
Sept. 7, 2021 | CEO | 5,833 | $81.70 | Sell | $476,556.10 |
Aug. 16, 2021 | CEO | 5,834 | $85.16 | Sell | $496,823.44 |
July 12, 2021 | CEO | 5,833 | $84.07 | Sell | $490,380.31 |
June 21, 2021 | CEO | 5,833 | $82.09 | Sell | $478,830.97 |
May 5, 2017 | CEO | 3,000 | $83.28 | Sell | $249,840.00 |
May 4, 2017 | CEO | 15,000 | $82.17 | Sell | $1,232,550.00 |
May 1, 2017 | CEO | 10,000 | $82.42 | Sell | $824,200.00 |
March 4, 2016 | CEO | 381 | $67.66 | Sell | $25,778.46 |