Moral-Niles Christopher Del's Net Worth
Moral-Niles Christopher Del's net worth is estimated to be at least $2,325,311.92 as of 03/05/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Moral-Niles Christopher Del's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Moral-Niles Christopher Del is CFO at Associated Banc-Corp. They have executed at least 20 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 3,032 units of ASB stock on 12/14/2021. Their biggest sale was on 02/15/2017 when they sold 11,466 units of Associated Banc-Corp stock for $301,211.82. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $75,960.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $2,249,351.92
Most recent insider trade:
- Dec. 14, 2021
Moral-Niles Christopher Del's Insider Trading History
Associated Banc-Corp | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Dec. 14, 2021 | CFO | 3,032 | $22.50 | Sell | $68,220.00 |
Dec. 7, 2021 | CFO | 3,919 | $22.50 | Sell | $88,177.50 |
March 12, 2021 | CFO | 10,000 | $22.78 | Sell | $227,800.00 |
Aug. 3, 2020 | CFO | 2,000 | $12.98 | Buy | $25,960.00 |
Nov. 11, 2019 | CFO | 4,000 | $21.73 | Sell | $86,920.00 |
Aug. 9, 2019 | CFO | 3,972 | $20.28 | Sell | $80,552.16 |
Aug. 5, 2019 | CFO | 2,000 | $26.50 | Sell | $53,000.00 |
Feb. 15, 2019 | CFO | 9,881 | $23.17 | Sell | $228,942.77 |
Dec. 14, 2018 | CFO | 2,239 | $20.86 | Sell | $46,705.54 |
Sept. 19, 2018 | CFO | 2,000 | $25.00 | Buy | $50,000.00 |
July 30, 2018 | CFO | 3,500 | $27.75 | Sell | $97,125.00 |
May 11, 2018 | CFO | 4,240 | $27.14 | Sell | $115,073.60 |
March 12, 2018 | CFO | 4,000 | $26.59 | Sell | $106,360.00 |
Dec. 4, 2017 | CFO | 1,476 | $26.00 | Sell | $38,376.00 |
Nov. 21, 2017 | CFO | 11,999 | $24.72 | Sell | $296,615.28 |
Feb. 15, 2017 | CFO | 11,466 | $26.27 | Sell | $301,211.82 |
Sept. 7, 2016 | CFO | 4,814 | $19.57 | Sell | $94,209.98 |
July 25, 2016 | CFO | 8,052 | $18.55 | Sell | $149,364.60 |
June 13, 2016 | CFO | 5,000 | $17.87 | Sell | $89,350.00 |
Nov. 24, 2015 | CFO | 3,947 | $20.61 | Sell | $81,347.67 |