Michael A Werdann's Net Worth
Michael A Werdann's net worth is estimated to be at least $5,798,143.92 as of 03/12/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Michael A Werdann's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Michael A Werdann is CRO at NETGEAR Inc. They have executed at least 29 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 9,244 units of NTGR stock on 05/06/2024. Their biggest sale was on 04/13/2016 when they sold 39,835 units of NETGEAR Inc stock for $1,545,199.65. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $5,798,143.92
Most recent insider trade:
- May 6, 2024
Michael A Werdann's Insider Trading History
NETGEAR Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
May 6, 2024 | CRO | 9,244 | $12.15 | Sell | $112,314.60 |
May 2, 2023 | SVP | 6,229 | $13.74 | Sell | $85,586.46 |
Aug. 2, 2022 | SVP | 5,454 | $25.58 | Sell | $139,513.32 |
July 15, 2021 | SVP | 1,623 | $38.28 | Sell | $62,128.44 |
May 17, 2021 | SVP | 1,995 | $34.94 | Sell | $69,705.30 |
May 4, 2021 | SVP | 3,081 | $36.78 | Sell | $113,319.18 |
March 15, 2021 | SVP | 1,995 | $43.17 | Sell | $86,124.15 |
Oct. 8, 2020 | SVP | 8,125 | $33.00 | Sell | $268,125.00 |
Aug. 18, 2020 | SVP | 2,608 | $33.48 | Sell | $87,315.84 |
Feb. 4, 2020 | SVP | 2,556 | $26.08 | Sell | $66,660.48 |
Sept. 10, 2019 | SVP | 1,489 | $34.90 | Sell | $51,966.10 |
July 10, 2019 | SVP | 2,234 | $26.03 | Sell | $58,151.02 |
May 2, 2019 | SVP | 1,873 | $30.63 | Sell | $57,369.99 |
April 3, 2019 | SVP | 3,427 | $34.41 | Sell | $117,923.07 |
Feb. 4, 2019 | SVP | 1,656 | $38.77 | Sell | $64,203.12 |
Dec. 10, 2018 | SVP | 3,375 | $52.02 | Sell | $175,567.50 |
Sept. 10, 2018 | SVP | 2,250 | $66.20 | Sell | $148,950.00 |
July 10, 2018 | SVP | 10,930 | $70.78 | Sell | $773,625.40 |
Oct. 10, 2017 | SVP | 1,500 | $51.70 | Sell | $77,550.00 |
Aug. 17, 2017 | SVP | 750 | $45.35 | Sell | $34,012.50 |
July 7, 2017 | SVP | 564 | $43.50 | Sell | $24,534.00 |
July 3, 2017 | SVP | 8,153 | $43.01 | Sell | $350,660.53 |
April 4, 2017 | SVP | 819 | $48.50 | Sell | $39,721.50 |
Feb. 3, 2017 | SVP | 760 | $56.80 | Sell | $43,168.00 |
Sept. 12, 2016 | SVP | 7,875 | $56.43 | Sell | $444,386.25 |
July 11, 2016 | SVP | 1,348 | $49.54 | Sell | $66,779.92 |
June 7, 2016 | SVP | 4,690 | $45.54 | Sell | $213,582.60 |
April 28, 2016 | SVP | 10,000 | $42.00 | Sell | $420,000.00 |
April 13, 2016 | SVP | 39,835 | $38.79 | Sell | $1,545,199.65 |