Matthew J Jewell's Net Worth
Matthew J Jewell's net worth is estimated to be at least $9,777,515.55 as of 03/02/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Matthew J Jewell's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Matthew J Jewell is Insider at Forward Air Corporation. They have executed at least 19 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 5,858 units of FWRD stock on 08/05/2020. Their biggest sale was on 02/13/2015 when they sold 29,500 units of Forward Air Corporation stock for $1,584,445.00. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $9,777,515.55
Most recent insider trade:
- Aug. 5, 2020
Matthew J Jewell's Insider Trading History
Forward Air Corporation | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Aug. 5, 2020 | Insider | 5,858 | $54.61 | Sell | $319,905.38 |
Aug. 17, 2018 | Insider | 8,080 | $63.00 | Sell | $509,040.00 |
May 30, 2018 | Insider | 6,232 | $60.04 | Sell | $374,169.28 |
May 22, 2018 | Insider | 2,328 | $60.00 | Sell | $139,680.00 |
May 2, 2017 | Insider | 12,222 | $52.51 | Sell | $641,777.22 |
Aug. 3, 2016 | Insider | 9,300 | $46.02 | Sell | $427,986.00 |
Aug. 1, 2016 | Insider | 600 | $46.44 | Sell | $27,864.00 |
Feb. 18, 2015 | EVP | 9,293 | $53.59 | Sell | $498,011.87 |
Feb. 13, 2015 | EVP | 29,500 | $53.71 | Sell | $1,584,445.00 |
Feb. 9, 2015 | EVP | 4,600 | $50.23 | Sell | $231,058.00 |
Aug. 15, 2014 | EVP | 8,300 | $46.60 | Sell | $386,780.00 |
Aug. 13, 2014 | EVP | 7,100 | $46.54 | Sell | $330,434.00 |
Aug. 11, 2014 | EVP | 10,000 | $45.91 | Sell | $459,100.00 |
June 6, 2014 | EVP | 15,000 | $45.02 | Sell | $675,300.00 |
June 14, 2013 | VP | 1,900 | $39.02 | Sell | $74,138.00 |
May 21, 2013 | VP | 40,000 | $38.93 | Sell | $1,557,200.00 |
May 17, 2013 | VP | 30,000 | $38.60 | Sell | $1,158,000.00 |
May 15, 2013 | VP | 3,660 | $38.25 | Sell | $139,995.00 |
May 10, 2013 | VP | 6,340 | $38.27 | Sell | $242,631.80 |