Kevin T Longe's Net Worth
Kevin T Longe's net worth is estimated to be at least $1,604,453.83 as of 03/01/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Kevin T Longe's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Kevin T Longe is CEO at Dmc Global Inc. They have executed at least 14 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 5,854 units of BOOM stock on 05/13/2022. Their biggest sale was on 02/26/2021 when they sold 8,417 units of Dmc Global Inc stock for $538,182.98. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $59,921.51
Total value of insider sells:
- $1,544,532.32
Most recent insider trade:
- May 13, 2022
Kevin T Longe's Insider Trading History
Dmc Global Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
May 13, 2022 | CEO | 5,854 | $21.77 | Sell | $127,441.58 |
May 11, 2022 | CEO | 22 | $22.00 | Sell | $484.00 |
Feb. 26, 2021 | CEO | 8,417 | $63.94 | Sell | $538,182.98 |
Nov. 13, 2020 | CEO | 2,000 | $36.98 | Sell | $73,960.00 |
Nov. 4, 2020 | CEO | 2,000 | $35.98 | Sell | $71,960.00 |
March 10, 2020 | CEO | 429 | $23.31 | Buy | $9,999.99 |
Nov. 16, 2017 | Insider | 3,642 | $21.50 | Sell | $78,303.00 |
Dec. 7, 2016 | Insider | 11,000 | $16.35 | Sell | $179,850.00 |
Aug. 22, 2016 | Insider | 12,500 | $11.70 | Sell | $146,250.00 |
June 3, 2016 | CEO | 6,624 | $10.49 | Sell | $69,485.76 |
May 12, 2016 | CEO | 8,250 | $10.04 | Sell | $82,830.00 |
May 11, 2016 | CEO | 8,250 | $10.34 | Sell | $85,305.00 |
Nov. 16, 2015 | CEO | 6,674 | $7.48 | Buy | $49,921.52 |
March 20, 2015 | CEO | 6,500 | $13.92 | Sell | $90,480.00 |