Julia S Gouw's Net Worth
Julia S Gouw's net worth is estimated to be at least $7,976,998.15 as of 03/12/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Julia S Gouw's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Julia S Gouw is Director at Vizio Holding Corp. They have executed at least 11 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 7,471 units of VZIO stock on 08/18/2022. Their biggest sale was on 11/18/2015 when they sold 50,000 units of East West Bancorp Inc stock for $2,101,500.00. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $7,976,998.15
Most recent insider trade:
- Aug. 18, 2022
Julia S Gouw's Insider Trading History
Vizio Holding Corp | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Aug. 18, 2022 | Director | 7,471 | $12.52 | Sell | $93,536.92 |
East West Bancorp Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 1, 2016 | President | 44,629 | $30.75 | Sell | $1,372,341.75 |
Feb. 29, 2016 | President | 11,157 | $30.08 | Sell | $335,602.56 |
Feb. 1, 2016 | President | 14,743 | $32.57 | Sell | $480,179.51 |
Nov. 20, 2015 | President | 25,753 | $42.50 | Sell | $1,094,502.50 |
Nov. 18, 2015 | President | 50,000 | $42.03 | Sell | $2,101,500.00 |
March 18, 2015 | President | 17,317 | $41.00 | Sell | $709,997.00 |
Oct. 28, 2014 | President | 9,815 | $35.61 | Sell | $349,512.15 |
Oct. 30, 2013 | President | 14,800 | $33.99 | Sell | $503,052.00 |
Oct. 21, 2013 | President | 10,000 | $34.20 | Sell | $342,000.00 |
July 22, 2013 | President | 18,966 | $31.36 | Sell | $594,773.76 |