John J Mulligan's Net Worth
John J Mulligan's net worth is estimated to be at least $58,586,391.03 as of 03/05/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of John J Mulligan's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
John J Mulligan is Insider at Target Corporation. They have executed at least 10 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 39,101 units of TGT stock on 09/14/2022. Their biggest sale was on 08/19/2021 when they sold 80,782 units of Target Corporation stock for $19,969,310.40. They typically trade 1 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $457,802.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $58,128,589.03
Most recent insider trade:
- Sept. 14, 2022
John J Mulligan's Insider Trading History
Target Corporation | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Sept. 14, 2022 | Insider | 39,101 | $166.02 | Sell | $6,491,548.02 |
June 17, 2022 | Insider | 45,490 | $139.98 | Sell | $6,367,690.20 |
March 18, 2022 | Insider | 29,462 | $221.62 | Sell | $6,529,368.44 |
Dec. 17, 2021 | Insider | 28,918 | $223.60 | Sell | $6,466,064.80 |
Aug. 19, 2021 | Insider | 80,782 | $247.20 | Sell | $19,969,310.40 |
April 3, 2018 | Insider | 118,373 | $69.37 | Sell | $8,211,535.01 |
March 15, 2016 | Insider | 35,529 | $81.57 | Sell | $2,898,100.53 |
May 31, 2013 | Insider | 17,093 | $69.91 | Sell | $1,194,971.63 |
McDonald’s Corporation | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Nov. 6, 2019 | Director | 1,300 | $193.46 | Buy | $251,498.00 |
March 22, 2017 | Director | 1,600 | $128.94 | Buy | $206,304.00 |