Jeffrey L Powell's Net Worth
Jeffrey L Powell's net worth is estimated to be at least $6,458,489.44 as of 03/14/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Jeffrey L Powell's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Jeffrey L Powell is CEO at Kadant Inc. They have executed at least 14 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 777 units of KAI stock on 10/15/2021. Their biggest sale was on 10/01/2021 when they sold 3,965 units of Kadant Inc stock for $816,829.65. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $6,458,489.44
Most recent insider trade:
- Oct. 15, 2021
Jeffrey L Powell's Insider Trading History
Kadant Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Oct. 15, 2021 | CEO | 777 | $205.60 | Sell | $159,751.20 |
Oct. 13, 2021 | CEO | 2,200 | $199.92 | Sell | $439,824.00 |
Oct. 11, 2021 | CEO | 1,000 | $203.01 | Sell | $203,010.00 |
Oct. 8, 2021 | CEO | 1,628 | $204.11 | Sell | $332,291.08 |
Oct. 6, 2021 | CEO | 2,000 | $206.09 | Sell | $412,180.00 |
Oct. 4, 2021 | CEO | 1,900 | $204.50 | Sell | $388,550.00 |
Oct. 1, 2021 | CEO | 3,965 | $206.01 | Sell | $816,829.65 |
Oct. 31, 2019 | CEO | 6,035 | $90.11 | Sell | $543,813.85 |
March 8, 2018 | Insider | 6,102 | $101.41 | Sell | $618,803.82 |
Feb. 27, 2018 | Insider | 7,277 | $100.38 | Sell | $730,465.26 |
Sept. 19, 2016 | Insider | 7,773 | $51.20 | Sell | $397,977.60 |
May 6, 2015 | EVP | 7,085 | $47.66 | Sell | $337,671.10 |
May 5, 2015 | EVP | 14,172 | $49.44 | Sell | $700,663.68 |
June 17, 2013 | EVP | 11,965 | $31.48 | Sell | $376,658.20 |