James M Frates's Net Worth
James M Frates's net worth is estimated to be at least $22,970,527.60 as of 02/18/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of James M Frates's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
James M Frates is CFO at Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc. They have executed at least 33 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 40,000 units of AMLX stock on 09/12/2024. Their biggest sale was on 03/07/2017 when they sold 25,000 units of Alkermes Plc stock for $1,477,000.00. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $290,931.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $22,679,596.60
Most recent insider trade:
- Sept. 12, 2024
James M Frates's Insider Trading History
Amylyx Pharmaceuticals Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Sept. 12, 2024 | CFO | 40,000 | $2.53 | Buy | $101,200.00 |
March 5, 2024 | CFO | 1,792 | $18.73 | Sell | $33,564.16 |
Jan. 9, 2024 | CFO | 2,716 | $16.33 | Sell | $44,352.28 |
May 16, 2023 | CFO | 32,500 | $26.94 | Sell | $875,550.00 |
March 16, 2023 | CFO | 32,500 | $31.89 | Sell | $1,036,425.00 |
Sage Therapeutic | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
June 16, 2021 | Director | 1,810 | $55.10 | Buy | $99,731.00 |
Aug. 15, 2019 | Director | 8,000 | $160.58 | Sell | $1,284,640.00 |
May 6, 2019 | Director | 8,000 | $162.22 | Sell | $1,297,760.00 |
Jan. 23, 2019 | Director | 7,500 | $134.81 | Sell | $1,011,075.00 |
May 8, 2018 | Director | 7,000 | $154.00 | Sell | $1,078,000.00 |
July 23, 2014 | Director | 5,000 | $18.00 | Buy | $90,000.00 |
Alkermes Plc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Nov. 29, 2017 | SVP | 20,932 | $50.51 | Sell | $1,057,275.32 |
March 7, 2017 | SVP | 25,000 | $59.08 | Sell | $1,477,000.00 |
Dec. 14, 2016 | SVP | 25,000 | $54.73 | Sell | $1,368,250.00 |
July 14, 2015 | CFO | 20,000 | $65.79 | Sell | $1,315,800.00 |
June 16, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $58.63 | Sell | $586,300.00 |
May 12, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $59.34 | Sell | $593,400.00 |
April 15, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $62.42 | Sell | $624,200.00 |
March 10, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $66.25 | Sell | $662,500.00 |
Feb. 3, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $70.83 | Sell | $708,300.00 |
Jan. 15, 2015 | CFO | 10,000 | $66.86 | Sell | $668,600.00 |
Dec. 10, 2014 | CFO | 18,870 | $56.07 | Sell | $1,058,040.90 |
Nov. 19, 2014 | CFO | 8,000 | $53.86 | Sell | $430,880.00 |
Nov. 7, 2014 | CFO | 13,303 | $49.98 | Sell | $664,883.94 |
Oct. 8, 2014 | CFO | 16,000 | $41.00 | Sell | $656,000.00 |
Sept. 24, 2014 | CFO | 16,000 | $45.29 | Sell | $724,640.00 |
Sept. 10, 2014 | CFO | 16,000 | $43.18 | Sell | $690,880.00 |
Aug. 27, 2014 | CFO | 16,000 | $45.08 | Sell | $721,280.00 |
Aug. 13, 2014 | CFO | 15,000 | $41.37 | Sell | $620,550.00 |
July 16, 2014 | CFO | 8,000 | $46.50 | Sell | $372,000.00 |
July 9, 2014 | CFO | 7,000 | $47.41 | Sell | $331,870.00 |
June 25, 2014 | CFO | 7,000 | $50.22 | Sell | $351,540.00 |
June 11, 2014 | CFO | 7,000 | $47.72 | Sell | $334,040.00 |