James M Benson's Net Worth
James M Benson's net worth is estimated to be at least $8,919,889.85 as of 03/13/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of James M Benson's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
James M Benson is CFO at Dynatrace Holdings LLC. They have executed at least 9 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 34,932 units of DT stock on 02/12/2025. Their biggest sale was on 03/17/2017 when they sold 33,243 units of Akamai Technologies Inc stock for $2,160,795.00. They typically trade 2 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $8,919,889.85
Most recent insider trade:
- Feb. 12, 2025
James M Benson's Insider Trading History
Dynatrace Holdings LLC | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Feb. 12, 2025 | CFO | 34,932 | $61.05 | Sell | $2,132,598.60 |
Dec. 18, 2023 | CFO | 35,996 | $54.84 | Sell | $1,974,020.64 |
Akamai Technologies Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 17, 2017 | CFO | 33,243 | $65.00 | Sell | $2,160,795.00 |
March 13, 2017 | CFO | 22,155 | $65.00 | Sell | $1,440,075.00 |
Oct. 28, 2013 | CFO | 1,563 | $24.99 | Sell | $39,059.37 |
Oct. 22, 2013 | CFO | 6,981 | $53.33 | Sell | $372,296.73 |
Sept. 5, 2013 | CFO | 3,794 | $47.29 | Sell | $179,418.26 |
July 29, 2013 | CFO | 1,562 | $24.99 | Sell | $39,034.38 |
July 12, 2013 | CFO | 23,313 | $24.99 | Sell | $582,591.87 |