James G Reinhart's Net Worth
James G Reinhart's net worth is estimated to be at least $2,467,066.99 as of 02/16/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of James G Reinhart's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
James G Reinhart is CEO at ThredUp Inc. They have executed at least 20 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 10,600 units of TDUP stock on 07/17/2024. Their biggest sale was on 10/25/2021 when they sold 26,500 units of ThredUp Inc stock for $588,565.00. They typically trade 5 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $2,467,066.99
Most recent insider trade:
- July 17, 2024
James G Reinhart's Insider Trading History
ThredUp Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
July 17, 2024 | CEO | 10,600 | $2.00 | Sell | $21,200.00 |
March 19, 2024 | CEO | 5,000 | $2.00 | Sell | $10,000.00 |
Feb. 8, 2024 | CEO | 6,071 | $2.00 | Sell | $12,142.00 |
Feb. 6, 2024 | CEO | 4,400 | $2.00 | Sell | $8,800.00 |
Jan. 2, 2024 | CEO | 11,612 | $2.27 | Sell | $26,359.24 |
Dec. 6, 2023 | CEO | 40,636 | $2.28 | Sell | $92,650.08 |
Dec. 4, 2023 | CEO | 4,900 | $2.34 | Sell | $11,466.00 |
Nov. 6, 2023 | CEO | 32,118 | $3.46 | Sell | $111,128.28 |
Oct. 11, 2023 | CEO | 72,831 | $3.20 | Sell | $233,059.20 |
Oct. 2, 2023 | CEO | 34,046 | $3.90 | Sell | $132,779.40 |
Sept. 5, 2023 | CEO | 52,751 | $4.01 | Sell | $211,531.51 |
Aug. 9, 2023 | CEO | 42,694 | $4.00 | Sell | $170,776.00 |
Aug. 7, 2023 | CEO | 25,110 | $3.49 | Sell | $87,633.90 |
July 3, 2023 | CEO | 35,168 | $2.46 | Sell | $86,513.28 |
June 20, 2023 | CEO | 25,110 | $2.55 | Sell | $64,030.50 |
May 9, 2023 | CEO | 37,595 | $3.01 | Sell | $113,160.95 |
June 6, 2022 | CEO | 18,255 | $4.03 | Sell | $73,567.65 |
Nov. 29, 2021 | CEO | 10,600 | $18.03 | Sell | $191,118.00 |
Oct. 25, 2021 | CEO | 26,500 | $22.21 | Sell | $588,565.00 |
Sept. 27, 2021 | CEO | 10,600 | $20.81 | Sell | $220,586.00 |