Gregory L Henslee's Net Worth
Gregory L Henslee's net worth is estimated to be at least $136,129,247.09 as of 03/14/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Gregory L Henslee's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Gregory L Henslee is Chairman at O’Reilly Automotive Inc. They have executed at least 21 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 3,073 units of ORLY stock on 02/24/2025. Their biggest sale was on 07/30/2024 when they sold 18,264 units of O’Reilly Automotive Inc stock for $20,593,573.20. They typically trade 1 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $136,129,247.09
Most recent insider trade:
- Feb. 24, 2025
Gregory L Henslee's Insider Trading History
O’Reilly Automotive Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Feb. 24, 2025 | Chairman | 3,073 | $1,315.15 | Sell | $4,041,455.95 |
July 30, 2024 | Chairman | 18,264 | $1,127.55 | Sell | $20,593,573.20 |
Aug. 10, 2023 | Chairman | 14,599 | $937.81 | Sell | $13,691,088.19 |
Aug. 7, 2023 | Chairman | 7,633 | $935.71 | Sell | $7,142,274.43 |
Aug. 4, 2023 | Chairman | 200 | $935.20 | Sell | $187,040.00 |
Nov. 9, 2022 | Chairman | 4,000 | $840.00 | Sell | $3,360,000.00 |
Aug. 3, 2022 | Chairman | 1,649 | $710.58 | Sell | $1,171,746.42 |
Nov. 9, 2021 | Chairman | 7,500 | $644.57 | Sell | $4,834,275.00 |
March 22, 2021 | Chairman | 24,014 | $490.19 | Sell | $11,771,422.66 |
Oct. 14, 2020 | Chairman | 2,100 | $475.02 | Sell | $997,542.00 |
Aug. 5, 2020 | Chairman | 2,500 | $475.00 | Sell | $1,187,500.00 |
Feb. 12, 2019 | Chairman | 50,000 | $374.37 | Sell | $18,718,500.00 |
May 4, 2018 | CEO | 46,524 | $261.01 | Sell | $12,143,229.24 |
March 29, 2017 | CEO | 10,000 | $275.00 | Sell | $2,750,000.00 |
Jan. 3, 2017 | CEO | 20,000 | $280.08 | Sell | $5,601,600.00 |
Nov. 23, 2016 | CEO | 20,000 | $275.42 | Sell | $5,508,400.00 |
May 26, 2016 | CEO | 40,000 | $265.39 | Sell | $10,615,600.00 |
March 28, 2016 | CEO | 10,000 | $273.57 | Sell | $2,735,700.00 |
April 23, 2015 | CEO | 25,000 | $225.00 | Sell | $5,625,000.00 |
Nov. 12, 2014 | CEO | 10,000 | $180.00 | Sell | $1,800,000.00 |
May 7, 2013 | CEO | 15,000 | $110.22 | Sell | $1,653,300.00 |