Daniel R Omstead's Net Worth
Daniel R Omstead's net worth is estimated to be at least $1,737,655.90 as of 03/13/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Daniel R Omstead's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Daniel R Omstead is President at Tekla Life Sciences Investors. They have executed at least 15 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 10,096 units of HQL stock on 09/25/2023. Their biggest sale was on when they sold units of stock for $. They typically trade 5 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $1,737,655.90
Total value of insider sells:
- $0.00
Most recent insider trade:
- Sept. 25, 2023
Daniel R Omstead's Insider Trading History
Tekla Healthcare Investors | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Sept. 25, 2023 | President | 9,500 | $15.63 | Buy | $148,485.00 |
Sept. 20, 2023 | President | 9,500 | $15.88 | Buy | $150,860.00 |
Oct. 26, 2020 | President | 5,200 | $20.53 | Buy | $106,756.00 |
Oct. 21, 2020 | President | 5,050 | $20.68 | Buy | $104,434.00 |
May 21, 2020 | President | 5,000 | $21.01 | Buy | $105,050.00 |
March 17, 2020 | President | 6,800 | $16.24 | Buy | $110,432.00 |
Dec. 26, 2018 | President | 6,300 | $17.14 | Buy | $107,982.00 |
Oct. 25, 2018 | President | 5,500 | $20.43 | Buy | $112,365.00 |
Oct. 17, 2018 | President | 3,882 | $21.78 | Buy | $84,549.96 |
Tekla Life Sciences Investors | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Sept. 25, 2023 | President | 10,096 | $12.39 | Buy | $125,089.44 |
Sept. 20, 2023 | President | 12,000 | $12.68 | Buy | $152,160.00 |
Oct. 26, 2020 | President | 6,175 | $17.52 | Buy | $108,186.00 |
Oct. 21, 2020 | President | 5,950 | $17.75 | Buy | $105,612.50 |
May 21, 2020 | President | 5,950 | $17.74 | Buy | $105,553.00 |
March 17, 2020 | President | 8,300 | $13.27 | Buy | $110,141.00 |