Daniel A Macuga's Net Worth
Daniel A Macuga's net worth is estimated to be at least $4,384,067.92 as of 03/13/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Daniel A Macuga's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Daniel A Macuga is Insider at USANA Health Sciences Inc. They have executed at least 10 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 2,234 units of USNA stock on 06/14/2023. Their biggest sale was on 09/10/2018 when they sold 10,660 units of USANA Health Sciences Inc stock for $1,337,403.60. They typically trade 1 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $4,384,067.92
Most recent insider trade:
- June 14, 2023
Daniel A Macuga's Insider Trading History
USANA Health Sciences Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
June 14, 2023 | Insider | 2,234 | $62.88 | Sell | $140,473.92 |
Dec. 5, 2022 | Insider | 1,474 | $53.92 | Sell | $79,478.08 |
Dec. 8, 2021 | Insider | 368 | $100.86 | Sell | $37,116.48 |
April 27, 2020 | Insider | 4,599 | $84.22 | Sell | $387,327.78 |
Sept. 10, 2018 | Insider | 10,660 | $125.46 | Sell | $1,337,403.60 |
Sept. 4, 2018 | Insider | 2,452 | $130.09 | Sell | $318,980.68 |
Aug. 30, 2017 | Insider | 11,992 | $59.00 | Sell | $707,528.00 |
Aug. 28, 2017 | Insider | 5,751 | $60.00 | Sell | $345,060.00 |
May 11, 2015 | Insider | 4,231 | $125.64 | Sell | $531,582.84 |
June 10, 2014 | Insider | 6,654 | $75.01 | Sell | $499,116.54 |