Bruce C Rhine's Net Worth
Bruce C Rhine's net worth is estimated to be at least $34,437,484.93 as of 03/15/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Bruce C Rhine's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Bruce C Rhine is Director at Onto Innovation Inc. They have executed at least 26 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 50,000 units of ONTO stock on 11/01/2021. Their biggest sale was on 02/11/2021 when they sold 145,334 units of Onto Innovation Inc stock for $8,837,760.54. They typically trade 3 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $34,437,484.93
Most recent insider trade:
- Nov. 1, 2021
Bruce C Rhine's Insider Trading History
Onto Innovation Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Nov. 1, 2021 | Director | 50,000 | $80.36 | Sell | $4,018,000.00 |
June 14, 2021 | Director | 45,303 | $75.10 | Sell | $3,402,255.30 |
June 11, 2021 | Director | 401 | $75.00 | Sell | $30,075.00 |
May 24, 2021 | Director | 30,000 | $65.52 | Sell | $1,965,600.00 |
April 12, 2021 | Director | 32,689 | $71.01 | Sell | $2,321,245.89 |
Feb. 11, 2021 | Director | 145,334 | $60.81 | Sell | $8,837,760.54 |
Feb. 9, 2021 | Director | 41,767 | $59.42 | Sell | $2,481,795.14 |
Nov. 27, 2020 | Director | 2,500 | $45.00 | Sell | $112,500.00 |
Nov. 24, 2020 | Director | 5,579 | $45.01 | Sell | $251,110.79 |
Nov. 5, 2020 | Director | 100,000 | $37.12 | Sell | $3,712,000.00 |
Jan. 16, 2020 | Director | 80,000 | $40.01 | Sell | $3,200,800.00 |
Nov. 15, 2019 | Director | 25,000 | $34.66 | Sell | $866,500.00 |
Aug. 6, 2018 | Director | 3,655 | $42.65 | Sell | $155,885.75 |
Feb. 22, 2018 | Director | 3,333 | $26.76 | Sell | $89,191.08 |
June 8, 2017 | Director | 10,000 | $29.47 | Sell | $294,700.00 |
Nov. 29, 2016 | Director | 37,078 | $24.43 | Sell | $905,815.54 |
Oct. 3, 2016 | Director | 10,000 | $22.08 | Sell | $220,800.00 |
July 1, 2016 | Director | 10,000 | $20.51 | Sell | $205,100.00 |
June 21, 2016 | Director | 10,000 | $20.08 | Sell | $200,800.00 |
May 2, 2016 | Director | 13,014 | $17.85 | Sell | $232,299.90 |
Jan. 2, 2015 | Director | 2,500 | $16.37 | Sell | $40,925.00 |
Sept. 25, 2014 | Director | 2,500 | $15.14 | Sell | $37,850.00 |
Aug. 6, 2014 | Director | 30,000 | $16.27 | Sell | $488,100.00 |
Aug. 5, 2014 | Director | 10,000 | $16.15 | Sell | $161,500.00 |
Aug. 4, 2014 | Director | 10,000 | $16.05 | Sell | $160,500.00 |
June 26, 2014 | Director | 2,500 | $17.75 | Sell | $44,375.00 |