Bobak R Azamian's Net Worth
Bobak R Azamian's net worth is estimated to be at least $6,589,719.82 as of 03/14/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Bobak R Azamian's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Bobak R Azamian is CEO at Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc. They have executed at least 40 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 10,415 units of TARS stock on 03/18/2024. Their biggest sale was on 07/19/2023 when they sold 103,900 units of Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc stock for $2,079,039.00. They typically trade 10 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $6,589,719.82
Most recent insider trade:
- March 18, 2024
Bobak R Azamian's Insider Trading History
Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
March 18, 2024 | CEO | 10,415 | $30.60 | Sell | $318,699.00 |
Dec. 27, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $20.22 | Sell | $161,760.00 |
Dec. 20, 2023 | CEO | 40,000 | $20.27 | Sell | $810,800.00 |
Oct. 18, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $13.24 | Sell | $105,920.00 |
Sept. 20, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $17.21 | Sell | $137,680.00 |
Aug. 23, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $17.23 | Sell | $137,840.00 |
July 19, 2023 | CEO | 103,900 | $20.01 | Sell | $2,079,039.00 |
July 12, 2023 | CEO | 9,000 | $17.35 | Sell | $156,150.00 |
June 21, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $18.63 | Sell | $149,040.00 |
June 14, 2023 | CEO | 9,000 | $18.58 | Sell | $167,220.00 |
June 8, 2023 | CEO | 3,100 | $20.01 | Sell | $62,031.00 |
May 17, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $15.90 | Sell | $127,200.00 |
May 10, 2023 | CEO | 9,000 | $16.80 | Sell | $151,200.00 |
May 1, 2023 | CEO | 5,841 | $15.10 | Sell | $88,199.10 |
April 28, 2023 | CEO | 4,278 | $15.13 | Sell | $64,726.14 |
April 21, 2023 | CEO | 2,311 | $15.03 | Sell | $34,734.33 |
April 19, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $13.60 | Sell | $108,800.00 |
March 22, 2023 | CEO | 709 | $12.64 | Sell | $8,961.76 |
March 20, 2023 | CEO | 741 | $12.61 | Sell | $9,344.01 |
March 17, 2023 | CEO | 795 | $13.28 | Sell | $10,557.60 |
March 15, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $13.79 | Sell | $110,320.00 |
March 8, 2023 | CEO | 4,853 | $15.02 | Sell | $72,892.06 |
Feb. 8, 2023 | CEO | 9,000 | $15.14 | Sell | $136,260.00 |
Jan. 23, 2023 | CEO | 4,856 | $15.45 | Sell | $75,025.20 |
Jan. 20, 2023 | CEO | 240 | $15.00 | Sell | $3,600.00 |
Jan. 18, 2023 | CEO | 8,000 | $14.56 | Sell | $116,480.00 |
Jan. 11, 2023 | CEO | 3,904 | $15.11 | Sell | $58,989.44 |
Jan. 9, 2023 | CEO | 729 | $15.15 | Sell | $11,044.35 |
Dec. 21, 2022 | CEO | 8,000 | $14.57 | Sell | $116,560.00 |
Dec. 16, 2022 | CEO | 535 | $15.01 | Sell | $8,030.35 |
Dec. 14, 2022 | CEO | 6,420 | $15.08 | Sell | $96,813.60 |
Oct. 19, 2022 | CEO | 8,000 | $16.92 | Sell | $135,360.00 |
Oct. 12, 2022 | CEO | 9,000 | $15.91 | Sell | $143,190.00 |
Sept. 21, 2022 | CEO | 8,000 | $16.31 | Sell | $130,480.00 |
Sept. 14, 2022 | CEO | 9,000 | $16.01 | Sell | $144,090.00 |
Aug. 17, 2022 | CEO | 8,000 | $16.59 | Sell | $132,720.00 |
Oct. 12, 2021 | CEO | 5,531 | $26.30 | Sell | $145,465.30 |
Oct. 8, 2021 | CEO | 302 | $25.02 | Sell | $7,556.04 |
Aug. 9, 2021 | CEO | 827 | $25.02 | Sell | $20,691.54 |
Aug. 5, 2021 | CEO | 1,370 | $25.00 | Sell | $34,250.00 |