Betsee Parker's Net Worth
Betsee Parker's net worth is estimated to be at least $1,765,340.90 as of 03/01/2025. CoreStreet's estimation of Betsee Parker's net worth is based on their sale of stock and current holding of stock.
Betsee Parker is major shareholder at United-Guardian Inc. They have executed at least 13 trades of stock as per SEC Form 4 filings. Their most recent trade was for 7,600 units of UG stock on 09/22/2015. Their biggest sale was on 05/13/2015 when they sold 17,778 units of United-Guardian Inc stock for $325,515.18. They typically trade 13 times per year.
Total value of insider buys:
- $0.00
Total value of insider sells:
- $1,765,340.90
Most recent insider trade:
- Sept. 22, 2015
Betsee Parker's Insider Trading History
United-Guardian Inc | Title | Amount | Price | Type | Total Value |
Sept. 22, 2015 | major shareholder | 7,600 | $18.26 | Sell | $138,776.00 |
Aug. 26, 2015 | major shareholder | 15,042 | $18.05 | Sell | $271,508.10 |
Aug. 25, 2015 | major shareholder | 10,695 | $18.35 | Sell | $196,253.25 |
July 23, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 2,927 | $19.08 | Sell | $55,847.16 |
June 19, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 3,522 | $19.14 | Sell | $67,411.08 |
June 8, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 3,448 | $21.80 | Sell | $75,166.40 |
May 26, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 9,630 | $22.26 | Sell | $214,363.80 |
May 13, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 17,778 | $18.31 | Sell | $325,515.18 |
May 11, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 8,659 | $18.41 | Sell | $159,412.19 |
April 23, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 2,927 | $18.36 | Sell | $53,739.72 |
March 18, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 3,522 | $19.29 | Sell | $67,939.38 |
March 6, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 3,448 | $18.68 | Sell | $64,408.64 |
Feb. 26, 2015 | Major Shareholder | 4,000 | $18.75 | Sell | $75,000.00 |