Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc (ARQT) Insider Trading

Total insider buys:
  • $26,587,659.55
Total insider sells:
  • $24,981,711.37
Most recent insider trade:
  • Dec. 31, 2024
Most active insider trader:
  • Todd Franklin Watanabe
Trader NameDateTitleAmountPriceTypeTotal Value
July 18, 2022N/A6,000$24.40Sell$146,400.00
July 8, 2022Chief Technical Officer2,197$25.41Sell$55,825.77
July 8, 2022President and CEO1,500$25.00Sell$37,500.00
July 6, 2022CEO1,000$22.07Sell$22,070.00
June 24, 2022Major Shareholder341,971$21.31Sell$7,287,402.01
June 2, 2022SVP1,795$19.73Sell$35,415.35
June 1, 2022Director2,500$20.62Sell$51,550.00
May 5, 2022CEO1,000$21.76Sell$21,760.00
May 2, 2022Director2,500$20.44Sell$51,100.00
April 21, 2022Insider2,197$20.42Sell$44,862.74
April 8, 2022Major Shareholder200,000$20.71Sell$4,142,000.00
April 6, 2022Major Shareholder333,204$20.69Sell$6,893,990.76
April 5, 2022CEO1,000$21.43Sell$21,430.00
April 1, 2022Director7,500$20.02Sell$150,150.00
March 9, 2022CEO300$17.00Sell$5,100.00
March 7, 2022Insider30$16.44Sell$493.20
March 7, 2022CFO10$16.44Sell$164.40
March 7, 2022CEO770$17.05Sell$13,128.50
March 4, 2022SVP993$16.86Sell$16,741.98
March 4, 2022Insider981$16.86Sell$16,539.66
March 4, 2022CFO293$16.86Sell$4,939.98
March 4, 2022CEO2,489$16.86Sell$41,964.54
Feb. 9, 2022CEO1,000$17.00Sell$17,000.00
Jan. 5, 2022CEO1,000$21.59Sell$21,590.00
Jan. 3, 2022Director2,500$21.21Sell$53,025.00
Dec. 27, 2021CFO12,560$20.07Sell$252,079.20
Dec. 23, 2021Director2,500$20.16Sell$50,400.00
Dec. 8, 2021CEO1,000$17.00Sell$17,000.00
Nov. 5, 2021CEO1,000$21.50Sell$21,500.00
Nov. 1, 2021Director2,500$21.81Sell$54,525.00
Oct. 5, 2021CEO2,500$24.92Sell$62,300.00
Sept. 7, 2021CEO1,000$21.14Sell$21,140.00
Aug. 5, 2021CEO1,000$20.81Sell$20,810.00
July 6, 2021CEO1,750$26.58Sell$46,515.00
July 1, 2021Director2,200$26.13Sell$57,486.00
June 24, 2021Director729$27.50Sell$20,047.50
June 21, 2021Director2,516$27.50Sell$69,190.00
June 7, 2021CEO1,750$26.35Sell$46,112.50
May 7, 2021CEO750$35.00Sell$26,250.00
May 5, 2021CEO1,750$34.00Sell$59,500.00
April 20, 2021Director10,000$28.06Sell$280,600.00
April 5, 2021CEO1,750$29.93Sell$52,377.50
April 1, 2021Director2,200$29.49Sell$64,878.00
March 22, 2021Director10,000$31.10Sell$311,000.00
March 5, 2021CEO1,750$30.55Sell$53,462.50
Feb. 10, 2021CFO750$35.64Sell$26,730.00
Feb. 1, 2021Director9,949$33.25Sell$330,804.25
Feb. 1, 2021CFO1,250$35.00Sell$43,750.00
Jan. 29, 2021Director51$27.50Sell$1,402.50
Jan. 19, 2021CFO500$30.00Sell$15,000.00
  • Insiders are both buying and selling Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc stock.

  • The insider traders at Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc are: Todd Franklin Watanabe, Howard G Welgus, Patrick Burnett, Masaru Matsuda, Bhaskar Chaudhuri, Scott L Burrows, John W. Smither, Patricia A Turney, Orbimed Advisors Llc, Larry Todd Edwards, Life Sciences Viii L Frazier, Howard G. Welgus, David W Osborne, Welgus Howard G., Terrie Curran, David Joseph Topper, Watanabe Todd Franklin, Jonathan Silverstein, David W. Osborne, and OSBORNE DAVID W

  • The most active insider trader at Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc is Todd Franklin Watanabe with 29 trades.

  • Orbimed Advisors Llc has sold the most Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc stock with a total value of $25,610,794.78.

  • Jonathan Silverstein has bought the most Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc stock with a total value of $28,659,776.64.

  • The most recent insider trade for Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc was on Dec. 31, 2024.

  • The single biggest insider buy for Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc was from Jonathan Silverstein with a total value of $14,329,888.32 on Feb. 3, 2020.

  • The single biggest insider sell for Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc was from Orbimed Advisors Llc with a total value of $7,287,402.01 on June 24, 2022.